Theonomics: Reconnecting Economics with Virtue and Integrity

by Andrew Lightbown and Peter Sills (editors), et al.

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Book Details

Rating: ★★★★★

Format: Paperback (176 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-908381-18-7

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At a time when economics, banking and commerce are never out of the headlines, Theonomics asks if theology is capable of informing, shaping and penetrating all aspects of life, and especially economic life. Theonomics argues for the recovery of the classic virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude, justice and humility as animators of a lively and Godly economy.

Six key principles are offered to help those interested in integrating Christian ideas into the economic sphere: community, solidarity, justice, gift, service and subsidiarity.

Through a series of reflections written by practitioners, Theonomics offers encouragement and empirical evidence for the integration of theology and everyday economic activity.

The Foreword is by Martyn Percy, who enjoys the curious distinction of being the only living theologian mentioned and quoted in Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code.

The very word ‘Theonomics’ is suggestive.  Is it possible to live in a consumerist, monetarist society as a reflective and responsible Christian with a vision for the totality of our economic situation?  This book offers some powerful and persuasive insights into the possibilities for our collective economic well-being.
The Revd Canon Prof. Martyn Percy, Principal of Ripon College, Cuddesdon and Dean-designate of Christchurch, Oxford

Anyone who doubts that theology must engage with politics and economics, or who is tempted to say that religion should be kept out of politics, could helpfully be given this to read.
Edward Carter, Modern Believing

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