Beyond Busyness: Time Wisdom in an Hour

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (56 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
12 February 2013
ISBN: 978-1-908381-13-2
Following the success of his previous book, Beyond Busyness: Time Wisdom for Ministry, Dr Stephen Cherry has distilled the essence of Time Wisdom into this bite-sized book, essential for anyone seeking to restore some balance in their busy life.
As part of his “Give up busyness for Lent” campaign – or as a standalone guide – this concise book will help you get to grips with Time Wisdom in just an hour!
Why give up busyness?
You might just find you get more done...
Busyness has become a disease.
The developed world is suffering from an epidemic of major proportions, and the disease at the heart of it is busyness. We are addicted to doing one thing after another with as little down-time as possible. This is a sickness, a spiritual sickness.
Why is busyness so bad?
- It distorts your perception
- It makes you feel self-important
- It makes you rude
- It’s an excuse for impatience
- It’s an excuse for not getting things done
- It’s addictive
- It burns you out
- It’s lazy – chronic busyness occurs when you have not asked the important questions or decided on your priorities
Learn Time Wisdom in an hour and get your life back!
About the Author
Stephen Cherry is Dean of King’s College, Cambridge. Formerly he was a Canon of Durham Cathedral and has extensive experience in parish ministry and college chaplaincy, having been Chaplain of King’s College, Cambridge for five years and Rector of All Saints with Holy Trinity in Loughborough for twelve. His post at Durham combined cathedral ministry with the leadership of the Diocesan Resource Team, and he was also responsible for Continuing Ministerial Development.
Stephen is the best-selling author of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2011 Lent book Barefoot Disciple and Healing Agony, both published by Continuum.
Stephen is a graduate of Durham and Cambridge Universities with degrees in Psychology and Theology. His PhD from King’s College, London was a theological study of forgiveness which drew on psychology, ethics and literature.