Knowing Christ: Christian Discipleship and the Eucharist


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Book Details

Rating: ★★★★★

Format: Paperback (186 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-78959-122-4

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On the road to Emmaus, Jesus’ followers recognized their risen Lord in the breaking of bread. The Eucharist remains at the heart of discipleship. Participation in the Eucharist transfigures Jesus’ companions, and inspires them to live for God in their daily lives.

David R. Tomlinson explores the liturgy of the Eucharist and finds in it the basic building blocks of the Christian life.

Through story, reflection and prayer, he invites readers to consider the different aspects of this central act of Christian worship, so that their faith can deepen, and they can learn to live more fully as members of Christ’s body, the Church.

This book can be used for individual reading or group study. It offers valuable insights for new Christians, and for those who want to experience new riches in a familiar service. It would make a particularly good confirmation gift for adults.

David R. Tomlinson is Vicar of St Paul’s in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, and the Chair of Thrive Together Birmingham.

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