Clare Amos

Clare Amos has taught Biblical Studies in Beirut, Jerusalem and Cambridge. She has worked for USPG, the Anglican Communion and the World Council of Churches and was awarded a Lambeth DD in 2012.

Photograph of Clare Amos

And it was good…

GUEST BLOG: Biblical scholar Clare Amos asks why Christian thinking about ecology and the environment draws heavily on the Old Testament, but not so much on the New Testament. I am writing this blog post with the Season of Creation in mind. I appreciate the way that in recent years many churche…

Added about a year ago.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem

GUEST BLOG: Author Clare Amos draws on this week’s lectionary readings, a weekly blog she writes in her role as Honorary Director of Lay Discipleship for the Church of England Diocese in Europe, and her latest book Birthpangs and Blessings: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis to di…

Added about 3 years ago.

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