Pastoral Care
Into the Depths: A Chaplain's Reflections on Death, Dying and Pastoral Care
Paperback £14.99
Drawing on her experience of chaplaincy in prison, hospice and university contexts, Rosie Deedes reflects on the nature of good pastoral care and chaplaincy as a model of ministry for our time.
Meeting the Global Crisis: Kingdom community, diaconal church and a diaconal world
Paperback £16.99
There is no chance of humankind surviving and flourishing unless we come together as a global community of communities. This book puts forward the unique contribution of Christian faith to the potentially terminal challenges currently facing our world.
Bigger and Wilder: Life, loss and learning to be a pilgrim
Paperback £14.99
An excursion into the ancient spiritual practice of pilgrimage from the perspective of loss and bereavement. Jill Baker encourages others to step into the pilgrim spirit and discover more about the big, wild God who constantly calls us to follow.
Consecrated Celibacy: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Calling
Paperback £14.99
A unique and engaging resource for all who feel drawn to explore a calling to consecrated celibacy and know that life in a traditional religious order is not for them.
Writing the Wisdom: Creative writing as healing from childhood trauma
Paperback £14.99
Writing the Wisdom explores the emotional impact of childhood sexual abuse in an informative and accessible way whilst also giving a rare insight through writing, into the lived experience of survivors.
Creating Space: Story, Reflection and Practice in Healthcare Chaplaincy
Paperback £16.99
Creating Space tells a professional and personal story of healthcare chaplaincy and models the way in which practice development emerges from reflecting on the human story.
Out of the Whirlwind: Innocent Pain as a Challenge to God
Paperback £12.99
How can a merciful God can allow suffering and evil? A challenging and thoughtful reflection inspired by the book of Job.
Dear Nicholas...: A Father's Letter to His Newly Ordained Son
Paperback £9.99
A letter from a bishop to his newly-ordained son, revised for today's audience and with an epilogue by the original recipient (who is now Dean of Chelmsford) reflecting on ministry today.
Hope in Dark Places: Poems about Depression and the Christian
Paperback £9.99
Raw and deeply moving poetry about living with depression as a Christian.
Beyond Busyness: Time Wisdom for Ministry
Paperback £9.99
Connecting the reality and experience of time with the demands and realities of ministry today, this book helps ministers to take positive steps towards navigating the very considerable time pressures that many face today.