Chaplaincy & Secular Ministry
Defend Us in Battle: Catholic Chaplains in the British Military
An insight into the ministry of priests who over the centuries and across the world have voluntarily provided Catholic service personnel with the solace of religion far away from home and frequently in danger.
Wisdom Calls: Transformative Ways for Insightful Living
Paperback £14.99
Helen Warwick explores the ancient, hidden way of Wisdom through psychological, theological and ecological groundings, bringing forth this intuitive, healing presence and her transformational movement connecting to community and all creation.
Consecrated Celibacy: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Calling
Paperback £14.99
A unique and engaging resource for all who feel drawn to explore a calling to consecrated celibacy and know that life in a traditional religious order is not for them.
Writing the Wisdom: Creative writing as healing from childhood trauma
Paperback £14.99
Writing the Wisdom explores the emotional impact of childhood sexual abuse in an informative and accessible way whilst also giving a rare insight through writing, into the lived experience of survivors.
Creating Space: Story, Reflection and Practice in Healthcare Chaplaincy
Paperback £16.99
Creating Space tells a professional and personal story of healthcare chaplaincy and models the way in which practice development emerges from reflecting on the human story.
Prayers for Living: 500 Prayers for Public and Private Worship
Paperback £19.99
Prayers for Living offers 500 new accessible, contemporary and wide-ranging intercessory prayers suitable for public worship or private devotion.
Busking the Gospel: Ordained Ministry in Secular Employment
Paperback £16.99
An in-depth theological reflection on Ministry in Secular Employment, offering practical help to enable such clergy (and the Church generally) to grow in the awareness of the creative scope and potential of this ministry.
Honest Sadness: Lament in a Pandemic Age
Paperback £14.99
A book examining lament as a means of articulating faithful incomprehension, and as a resource for what have been called communities of honest sadness.
Christian and Sikh: A Practical Theology of Multiple Religious Participation
Paperback £19.99
A major contribution to the fields of interfaith practice and practical theology, in which John Barnett explores the challenges of faith practice as a Christian and as a Sikh.
Priests in Secular Work: Participating in the “Missio Dei”
Paperback £16.99
A substantial theological exploration of priesthood in secular work and its significance for the future of the Church in the twenty-first century, in which Jenny Gage argues that priests in secular work (PSW) have a specific vocation, which is not to be subsumed under any church-based model of ordained ministry.
So We Live, Forever Bidding Farewell: Theology & Assisted Dying
Paperback £14.99
A re-evaluation of assisted dying from a theological perspective, relating theological issues to scientific, pastoral and practical concerns about the subject.
Into the Depths: A Chaplain's Reflections on Death, Dying and Pastoral Care
Paperback £14.99
Drawing on her experience of chaplaincy in prison, hospice and university contexts, Rosie Deedes reflects on the nature of good pastoral care and chaplaincy as a model of ministry for our time.
Love in Thin Places: Confessions of a Cathedral Chaplain
Paperback £9.99
A beautiful collection of poems inspired by Durham Cathedral and its saints, visitors and pilgrims.
Hope in Dark Places: Poems about Depression and the Christian
Paperback £9.99
Raw and deeply moving poetry about living with depression as a Christian.
From Over the Edge: A Christian’s guide to surviving Breakdown & Depression
Paperback £12.99
An intimate account of struggling with depression and breakdown as a Christian. Jon Grogan shares what helped him to understand and recover from depressive illness.