John Holdsworth

Photograph of John Holdsworth

​John Holdsworth has spent most of his life as an Anglican priest in Wales, though a Yorkshireman. Latterly he had executive responsibility for the Anglican churches in Cyprus and the Gulf and is currently Communications Consultant for the Jerusalem and Middle East Church Association. As a former Principal of the Church in Wales Theological College, he taught at Cardiff University where he became Dean of Theology. He is Canon Theologian at St Paul’s Cathedral in Nicosia, Cyprus; and Visiting Professor in Ministry and Theology at Bishop Grosstesste University in Lincoln UK, and a member of the theological faculty of Queen’s College Newfoundland.

For ten years, he was part of the Religion team at HTV Wales, creating and presenting a variety of programmes – some 150 in all. He has written several books on biblical themes and describes himself as a practical theologian whose main interest is to present Biblical scholarship in a way that is fresh and accessible to ordinary people. His last book, Honest Sadness won general critical acclaim. It was a consideration of Biblical lament against the background of lived experience in ministry and his own recent bereavement. John now divides his time between Wales and Cyprus. He enjoys cycling in both countries, and when in Wales sings with a band. He is blessed with two children and five grandchildren.

Lament vs. Protest

GUEST BLOG: As part of our January #ThemeOfTheMonth John Holdsworth, author of Honest Sadness: Lament in a Pandemic Age, wonders about the difference between lament and protest and discusses the ways in which lament can be an antidote to denial. What’s the difference between lament a…

Added about 3 years ago.

Meghan’s Lament

GUEST BLOG: What does the book of Lamentations have to do with the recent much-publicised TV interview with Meghan Markle? John Holdsworth wonders how long it will be before this is characterized as “Meghan’s Lament”. Like “furlough”, which was, within living memor…

Added about 3 years ago.

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