Michael Brooks

Michael Brooks was born in 1957 in Cambridgeshire. He attended Northampton Grammar School for Boys after which he studied at King’s College London graduating in Cell and Molecular Biology and qualifying as a medical doctor. He spent 12 years as a hospital doctor mainly in surgical specialties and then trained to become a General Practitioner. He worked for 20 years as an inner-city GP during which time he helped to set up the local co-operative to provide out-of-hours urgent care. He currently serves as a member of a monitoring committee for a medical pension fund.
Having become a Christian as a teenager, Michael obtained a diploma in theology [AKC] whilst studying at King’s College London. Michael served as a church musician and felt called to ordained ministry in 2003. He was ordained in 2008 and has since served as a non-stipendiary minister in the same church in which he was first a curate; for five years he was also an Area Dean in the Diocese of Southwark. Michael was awarded an MA with Merit in Ministerial Theology in 2013 by Canterbury Christ Church University. Michael is on the rota that provides on-call cover for the chaplaincy at a local hospice.
Music has always been an important part of Michael’s life, and he sings in several choirs, plays the trombone, and plays bass in a small jazz ensemble. Numerous of his compositions have been performed, and he conducted a small orchestra that he co-founded. In 2022, he was awarded an Archbishops’ Certificate with Distinction from the Guild of Church Musicians.
Michael’s hobbies include woodwork, and he has made ecclesiastical furniture and other items that are in use in local churches, the diocesan offices and in a local school. He has recently started doing woodcarving and enjoys walking and gardening.
Michael is married with a grown-up family and grandchildren.
Good God: Suffering, faith, reason and science
Paperback £16.99
How can Christians believe in an all-powerful and loving God when there is so much suffering and evil in the world? This book sets out to answer this question.