Review of Gospel for the Outsider

Added about 9 years ago by Sacristy Press

Gospel for the Outsider (cover)“Immensely helpful and refreshing” is what ReSource magazine says about Patrick Whitworth’s latest book, Gospel for the Outsider. Here is the book review in full.

Patrick Whitworth is Rector of All Saints Weston in Bath, Chair of SOMA UK and a well known author. Gospel for the Outsider, soon to be published, is his latest work. Patrick points to the different emphases of the gospel writers, highlighting Luke’s focus on ministry to the outsider – the outsider who, as Patrick so clearly demonstrates, becomes the insider through his or her encounter with Jesus. Luke sets the scene with unexpected visits from angels to unimportant people; into his unfolding narrative creep disabled men, fallen women, foreign soldiers, and stories about street muggings and spendthrift children. Always the subliminal message is that you should not worry about how the world defines you, or try to fit in with its failing assumptions about what it means to live successfully; for it is only as we encounter Jesus that our lives begin to make sense. Patrick offers a readable, compelling invitation to walk into the story and find yourself, whoever you may be, within its pages. I found it immensely helpful and refreshing.

Gospel for the Outsider is available now from Sacristy Press, priced at £9.99 (paperback). It is also available from all major e-book retailers.

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