Hidden in Plain Sight: Unearthing and Earthing the Psalms

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (172 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
15 November 2023
ISBN: 978-1-78959-319-8
The Psalms form part of most church services yet the positive part they can play in the experience of worship remains largely hidden. This book seeks to unearth them and re-earth them in our lives and imaginations.
Hidden in Plain Sight is a short and accessible resource for those who would like to see what relevance the Psalms have for contemporary worship and life experience. Unlike most works on Psalms, this book concentrates on the lived experiences that lie behind them for ordinary worshippers. Organised into six chapters, it will be an ideal resource for a Lent or other church study or reading group.
With minimal scholarly apparatus, yet based on a thorough knowledge of scholarship, John Holdsworth introduces new lenses through which to view these records of what worship meant to ordinary people, and so, what it can mean for worshippers today. In the process, he questions many assumptions, challenges accepted views and invites readers to engage with the Psalms in a new and meaningful way.
There is a reason Psalms is bang centre of the Bible – it is the soul of scripture, authentically grappling with the joys and anguishes of faithful living in an uncertain world. At last, with Hidden in Plain Sight we have a magnificent introduction to Psalms which takes us to the guts of wonderful poetry which too often liturgically lulls rather than disturbs and inspires. I am grateful to John Holdsworth for unearthing this treasure trove hidden, indeed, in plain sight.
Dave Tomlinson, Anglican priest, author and broadcaster
John Holdsworth’s vision of seeing the Psalms as a compilation of hymns ordinary people would sing opens the door to many refreshing insights. He leads us on a journey through some of the most profound experiences and questions of human life, inviting us to find our own place in the songs that Israel sang.
David Walker, Bishop of Manchester
About the Author
John Holdsworth is a practitioner theologian and Anglican priest. In addition to parish ministry, he has worked as a television presenter, University lecturer, College Principal and Executive Archdeacon in Cyprus and the Gulf. Author of several Bible-related books, he is a Visiting Professor of Theology and Ministry at Bishop Grosstesste University.