Star of the Sea: The Cresswell Chronicles


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Book Details

Rating: ★★★★

Format: Paperback (320 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-78959-288-7

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“An absorbing piece of fiction and a fascinating insight into a slice of Georgian life” — Church Times

“An immersive and convincing act of 18th-century storytelling” — Historical Novel Society

Star of the Sea is a gripping family saga set in Cresswell, Whitby and London in the years 1745–90. As the restless spirit of the Age of Sail transforms the old social order of the North East, three families from very different backgrounds find their destinies unexpectedly brought close, in a story of ambition, heartbreak and redemption.

In her new novel, Katharine Tiernan explores her family roots in Northumberland, with the remarkable story of her eighteenth-century ancestors. Based in Cresswell and Whitby, the novel brings to life the early industrial history of North East England in the Age of Sail.

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