From Over the Edge: A Christian’s guide to surviving Breakdown & Depression

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (122 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
1 May 2016
ISBN: 978-1-910519-22-6
An intimate account of struggling with depression and breakdown as a Christian.
Many Christians who suffer from depression and mental breakdown struggle to rationalise it with their faith. In this honest and thoughtful book, Jon Grogan shares what helped him to understand and recover from depressive illness. This empathetic approach will help sufferers feel better understood, with an improved understanding of the issues they deal with on a daily basis, and a renewed sense of place within the church community.
From Over The Edge addresses the way in which different Christian spiritual traditions can be drawn upon to help sufferers and complement treatments that are likely to be on offer.
Christians can often be unsure about how their faith can relate to the fields of psychology and psychiatry, and Jon’s careful navigation of these subjects, mixed with a sprinkle of humour, brings much-needed illumination.
Jon Grogan is a lawyer and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He is married with two children.
Jon Grogan's style is that of an old friend passing on his knowledge. Friendly, informed and often funny. This is not a medical book or a self-help guide, but instead a good chat with Jon in a coffee shop, telling you that there is reason to hope and you can get through. I bought this to better understand the condition of clinical depression suffered by a friend of mine, but on reflection this book unwittingly offers advice about getting through other types of life crisis too.
—Amazon reviewer
This book is very moving. It has clear insight and also humour, which in the circumstances is surprising. Jonathan brings wisdom and experience to a difficult subject. I heartily recommend this book to anyone (everyone) who has to do with people with depression.
—Amazon reviewer