Luke Miller

Photograph of Luke Miller

Luke Miller is Archdeacon of London. He read History at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge before training for the priesthood at St Stephen’s House, Oxford, where he completed a Theology Degree. As Faith & Belief Sector lead for London Resilience, he has been involved in many of the major incidents in the capital over the last few years and the pandemic response and has been appointed a member of the London Recovery Board. He was appointed a Chaplain to the Queen in 2020. He is married to Jacqui, and they have three sons.

History Meets Eternity

As part of our April focus on Christian history Luke Miller, author of A Life-Long Springtime: The Life and Teaching of Fr George Congreve SSJE, discusses Fr Congreve’s views on Christ’s role in human history. In the late 1870s Russia went to war in the Balkans, partly to re-es…

Added about 2 years ago.

After the Holiday

GUEST BLOG: Luke Miller, author of our recent release A Life-Long Springtime, introduces us to Fr George Congreve’s wisdom about transforming the disappointment that can often follow the holiday season into joyful hope in God and expectation of the future. “After the holidays a…

Added about 3 years ago.

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