April Book of the Month: The Evil That Men Do

Added about 6 years ago by Sacristy Press

The Evil That Men DoWe are delighted to announce that Marcus Paul’s The Evil That Men Do: Faith, Injustice and the Church has been chosen as our inaugural Book of the Month.

The Evil That Men Do is a refreshingly frank treatment of the Church’s past failings, which fills a gap in our understanding of what it is to be Christian in the twenty-first century. Marcus argues that “the history of the Church is more full of glory than of shame but that the zeitgeist of our society, our feelings about it, prevent us from either seeing or reading this”. His argument is far from one-sided, though: his examination of the subject is unflinching and counter-cultural, dealing with some of the worst periods in the Church’s history.

The Revd Richard Cunningham writes in the Foreword that: “In an age where it is fashionable to ‘bash’ the church at every opportunity, it is rare to read such a clear defence of its history and ideas. Recalling the classic apologias of the nineteenth century, while engaging in modern disputes and arguments, Marcus Paul provides us with a compelling and fresh look at the impact of the Christian Church down the ages and educates us as to how best to navigate our way through the current fog of cultural hostility. The Evil That Men Do is a lively and convincing read … [and] is something of a tour de force. Paul has clearly read widely, but more importantly he has reflected deeply on what he has read, making his analysis fresh, reliable and engaging. This will be a book to be returned to again and again—not simply to fill gaps in the reader’s knowledge, but to help the twenty-first-century Church identify with our societal objections, prosecute innate bias and poor reasoning, and invite our dying culture once more to embrace the greatest gift it ever received. This is a vital resource for students, educators, Christian leaders and all thinking Christians—I commend it warmly.”

But don’t just take it from us! Here are some of the things that others have said about the book:

The Evil that Men Do is a considered and thoughtful book which seeks to examine the way we look through twenty-first-century eyes at the “darker” events in Church history. In doing so, the author helps us re-examine some of our own prejudices and whilst not denying or minimalizing those things that clearly have been at times truly evil he provides a more balanced viewpoint. He seeks to engage with some of the historians, chroniclers, poets, philosophers, novelists and others who were living during those events which today are placed under a negative spotlight. In doing so we are challenged to look at the story of the Christian Church afresh and to see the Spirit of God moving through human history and through the people of God as they have sought to live, witness and share with others the love of God which they have experienced through Jesus Christ.
— The Rt Revd Peter Hancock
Bishop of Bath & Wells

A fascinating and frank re-evaluation of the impact of the Christian faith on society, for good and ill, from the first century until the twenty-first.
— The Revd Canon Dr Michael Green
Hon. Fellow, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford

It is always vital to check our assumptions about historical judgements—not least in the twenty-first-century west. Marcus Paul invites us to correct our memory and to look afresh at assumptions about religion in general, and Christianity in particular. Read it and be challenged.
— The Rt Revd Nick Baines
Bishop of Leeds

Get your copy of The Evil That Men Do for just £10.99 throughout April, and don’t miss Marcus Paul’s blog on how we should celebrate Easter.

Please note: Sacristy Press does not necessarily share or endorse the views of the guest contributors to this blog.

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