Discount: Cuthbert Trilogy Set

Added about 4 years ago by Sacristy Press

Save over £8 on the complete Cuthbert trilogy by Katharine Tiernan!

With rave reviews from the likes of the Historical Novel Society and the Church Times, this series is a fiction-lover’s paradise!

Buy all three historical novels about St Cuthbert for just £29.99 (usual price £38.97) by using the discount code “ALL3”.

Don’t forget to add the voucher code “ALL3”!

Cuthbert of Farne: The first historical novel about Cuthbert, much-loved saint of the North, a one-time warrior whose destiny it was to reconcile the warring parties in the early English Church.

Place of Repose: A tale of violence and intrigue, revenge and reconciliation – and of true love lost and found. Set in the ninth century at the time of the Viking invasions, Place of Repose follows the flight of St Cuthbert's monks from Lindisfarne and their turbulent journey in search of a new home for the saint.

A New Heaven and a New Earth: Caught between the Northumbrian rebels and their brutal new Norman masters, the Community of St Cuthbert at Durham is struggling to survive. The final novel in the Cuthbert trilogy, set at the time of the Harrying of the North, tells the story of the survival of the shrine and the foundation of Durham Cathedral.

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