Sacristy Press Blog

Listening Without an Agenda

GUEST BLOG: Sacha Pearce and Jan Collis, authors of Creating Space: Story, Reflection and Practice in Healthcare Chaplaincy, discuss what real listening looks like. Last year,…

Added about 2 years ago.

History Meets Eternity

As part of our April focus on Christian history Luke Miller, author of A Life-Long Springtime: The Life and Teaching of Fr George Congreve SSJE, discusses Fr Congreve’s views on Christ&rs…

Added about 2 years ago.

April #ThemeOfTheMonth: Christian History

Throughout April we are going to be diving into three very different aspects of Christian history with the help of three of our authors as part of our #ThemeOfTheMonth. Watch the blog and our social…

Added about 2 years ago.

Unity in diversity: famous last words?

GUEST BLOG: As part of our March focus on unity in diversity David Newman, author of Growing Up into the Children of God, asks how we balance unity with diversity within the Church. We …

Added about 2 years ago.

The (eventual) death-throes of identity politics

GUEST BLOG: As part of our March focus on unity in diversity John Barnett, author of Christian and Sikh: A Practical Theology of Multiple Religious Participation, encourages us to have hope tha…

Added about 2 years ago.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem

GUEST BLOG: Author Clare Amos draws on this week’s lectionary readings, a weekly blog she writes in her role as Honorary Director of Lay Discipleship for the Church of England Diocese in …

Added about 2 years ago.

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