Andrew Teal

The Revd Dr Andrew Teal has been a full member of Oxford’s Faculty of Theology and Religion since 2008. He has been an admissions coordinator, disability officer, harassment advisor, and teacher of New Testament Greek across the university and a Pro-Proctor of the university for two seasons. He is chaplain, fellow, and lecturer in theology at Pembroke College Oxford, teaching historical and systematic theology; the history of Christianity; and the study of religions, with research interests especially in patristic and modern theology, Christology and ecclesiology, Eastern Orthodox theology and interfaith dialogue, theology and the arts, and theology and frontier spirituality. He is especially committed to furthering theological understanding in dialogue with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Inspiring Service: Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Latter-day Saint Traditions in Dialogue
Paperback £16.99
A celebration of the conversation and friendship between members of various Christian traditions (Roman Catholic, Methodist, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Anglican) and a substantial contribution to a theological understanding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in dialogue with other Christian churches.

Inspiring Service: Encouraging Conversation and Friendship between Christian Traditions
GUEST BLOG: How did a small idea to develop student faith blossom into a landmark collaboration between Christian communities? Andrew Teal explains. During 2018, events conspired to raise our awareness that many students who had hoped to engage with transformational projects aimed at the public…
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