Where are you on the journey of life?

Added about 6 years ago by John Davey

GUEST BLOG: Where are you on the journey of life? Author John Davey explains how his latest two books can help us on our Christian journey. He describes it as one of growth, discovery, challenge, heartaches and joy.

Like the weather, our lives can change without warning, and it is at times like this that we will call upon our faith in God to uphold and support us. Disappointment can come when our prayers appear to go unanswered.

Living Prayer, a companion to The Paradise Tree, explains why this so, as well and providing a framework that  integrates daily prayer with daily living. It is dedicated to all who have sought to understand the meaning of life, and the relevance of their being in the vastness of a universe that stretches beyond the comprehension of man.

Here is an extract from the book, suggesting how to start each new day:

Beginning the day with prayer can be compared with having your mobile phone fully charged and being ready for any emergency. The morning may not be the best of times to set aside a moment of stillness with a busy day ahead of you, but with practice prayer can become part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth. Prayer does not have to be either complicated or lengthy. Begin by saying the prayer that Jesus taught us. Then: Help me, Lord, to become the person you want me to be, and direct what I ought to do in your name this day, Amen

The Paradise Tree, in prose and poetry, re-treads the path of human understanding of the nature and being of God from The garden of Eden to Calvary and beyond, and from Adam to the carpenter of Nazareth, Jesus Christ. In this poem, “Eternity”, inspired by Revelation 21:1-7, we see more beautiful meteorological metaphors which show that even the end of the journey is not really the end.

My death is but a passing cloud,
A shadow that obscures the sun;
For life is hid within the soul
That never dies but still lives on. 

For God is that eternal love
That dwells within the human heart,
Uniting me with God himself
When I this earthly life depart.

For all that is of God lives on;
And all that is of God in me
Is one with Christ, God’s Risen Son,
And lives for all eternity.

Each of these books will take you on a journey into the love of God. They will challenge your convictions, and guide you on a personal pilgrimage. The can even be used for group discussion during Advent and Lent.

The Paradise Tree and Living Prayer are available to order now from Sacristy Press. Order both and get free UK/EU/US/CA delivery!

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