Notes and References

All external sources must be referenced.

The choice of footnotes or endnotes is one that should be taken in consultation with the editor, and will depend on the nature of the work and the extent of the notes. Use the footnote/endnote tools provided by your word-processing software (in recent versions of MS Word, these can be found on the References tab). Chapter 17 of NHR has further advice on notes and references.

Some common errors

  • There should be a full stop at the end of each entry in the bibliography and each endnote.
  • Ensure that p. or pp. is followed by a space.
  • For books and chapters in books, include both place of publication and publisher.

Examples of common types of reference

Works by a single author


Clifford, Paula, A Brief History of End Time: Prophecy and Apocalypse, then and now (Durham: Sacristy Press, 2018).

First reference

Paula Clifford, A Brief History of End Time: Prophecy and Apocalypse, then and now (Durham: Sacristy Press, 2018), p. 50.

Subsequent references

Clifford, Brief History of End Time, pp. 25–30.

Edited works


Platten, Stephen (ed.), Holy Ground: Cathedrals in the Twenty-First Century (Durham: Sacristy Press, 2017).

Please list all chapters used as separate references in the bibliography. There is a full stop after “ed.” (i.e. a single editor), but not after “eds” (two or more editors).

Chapters in edited collections


Oliver, Simon, “The Cathedral and Rooted Growth”, in Platten, Stephen (ed.), Holy Ground: Cathedrals in the Twenty-First Century (Durham: Sacristy Press, 2017), pp. 23–40.

First reference

Simon Oliver, “The Cathedral and Rooted Growth”, in Platten, Stephen (ed.), Holy Ground: Cathedrals in the Twenty-First Century (Durham: Sacristy Press, 2017), pp. 23–40, here at p. 33.

Subsequent references

Oliver, “The Cathedral and Rooted Growth”, p. 36.

Journal articles


Swatos, William and Christiano, Kevin, “Secularization Theory: The Course of a Concept”, Sociology of Religion 60/3, pp. 209–228.

Please do not use “in” before the journal title.

First reference

William Swatos and Kevin Christiano, “Secularization Theory: The Course of a Concept”, Sociology of Religion 60/3, pp. 209–228, here at p. 213.

Subsequent references

Swatos and Christiano, “Secularization Theory”, p. 220.

Translated works

Vibeke Vasbo, The Song of Hild, tr. Gaye Kyoch (Durham: Sacristy Press, 2018).

Online publication

Giuffrida, Angela, “Vatican considers limit on museum visitors amid safety fears”, Guardian (2 November 2018) , accessed 25 February 2019.

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