Kingdom Come: Essential theology for the twenty-first century

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (166 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
15 January 2019
ISBN: 978-1-78959-003-6
“An intelligent and fresh exposition of what the Christian faith is.”
John Goldingay
Kingdom Come makes essential theological topics relevant and readable without diluting the Gospel message, drawing on the work of thinkers such as Augustine, John Calvin, George MacDonald, Karl Barth, C. S. Lewis, J. I. Packer and N. T. Wright.
This book is essential reading for anyone in, or training for, church leadership: clergy, pastors, students, ordinands, preachers, and teachers.
Mark has gifted us a rare book that combines robust theology, pastoral insight, and missiological relevance. I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone keen to deepen their understanding of the gospel and committed to renewal and mission in the twenty-first century.
Rich Johnson, New Wine national leadership team
This book brings theological clarity to the essence of the gospel of the Kingdom, and it encourages, equips, challenges and inspires believers in Jesus Christ to re-present Him in word and deed in our world today.
James di Castiglione, Rector, Chanctonbury Churches
Many books are published each year for the benefit of “busy preachers and teachers”; fewer take sufficient account of the lack of time for reading such volumes, as the weekly sermon deadline looms yet again. The eight chapters of Kingdom Come comprise a handy starting-point for reflection, encouraging that busy preacher or teacher to avoid falling back on well-worn (and, truth be told, worn-out) truisms.Naomi Starkey, The Church Times
About the Author
Mark Philps studied Russian at Oxford University, and spent two years working for the BBC before training for ordination in the Church of England. After thirty-five years in parish ministry he is now retired.