The Spring of Hope: Sermons for the Seasons of Faith

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (210 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
15 July 2021
ISBN: 978-1-78959-173-6
The Spring of Hope is a collection of sermons and reflections for a variety of occasions throughout the Christian year. Douglas Dales invites readers to embark on their Christian journey in the company of saints and church fathers, and to find in the life of the Church visible and invisible new hope and courage for their lives as disciples of Christ in the twenty-first century.
These thoughtful and challenging reflections for many occasions throughout the Christian year have been written by an experienced preacher and Church historian. Originating from sermons preached during the national COVID-19 lockdown, they challenge readers to consider afresh the hope offered by the Christian faith.
[You] will be both reminded and challenged to think beyond the vicissitudes of present times to know more about our history of Christian witness in the company of Saints and those who have mined deeply for truth and love. Hope, a longer view and a resistance to take refuge in easy or trite theology characterise these pages.
For those who might imagine that what we have in the volume is what a Sarum ministry student once described in a conversation about theology as ‘dislocated intellectualism’ beware! Dales inhabits a wider view of the Kingdom that includes a heart for all and a commitment to a bigger, fairer, and more loving world.
James Woodward, Principal Sarum College
Douglas Dales is a parish priest in the Diocese of Oxford and was for many years Chaplain of Marlborough College. He is married and has three grown-up children and four grandchildren.